Taberi Tefsiri

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Taberi TefsiriTaberi Tefsiri

Ebu Cafer Muhammed b. Yazid b. Galib al-Tabari was born in Amul, Tabaristan, in 224 AH (839 AD). He memorized the Quran at the age of 7. When he was 12 years old, he left the city where he lived to study science. He took lessons from the great scholars of the time in Egypt, Damascus and Iraq. Finally, he decided to settle in Baghdad and lived there until his death in 310 A.H. (923). Tabari, who started to collect and memorize hadiths from a young age, deepened in the science of hadith and became one of the hadith scholars, and later made extensive use of these studies in his tafsir called "Camiu'l-Beyan fi Tefsiri'l-Kur'an". Imam Tabari is one of the greatest scholars of his age.

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