Euro to US Dollar / EUR to USD

By Webtoweb

Euro to US Dollar / EUR to USDEuro to US Dollar / EUR to USD

Application to convert amounts in Euro and US Dollar / EUR and USD and see the chart of historic trade rates.

For the converter, you simply have to type the amount you want to convert and the end result might be immediately displayed. You can choose to convert quantities from Euro to US Dollar - EUR to USD and US Dollar to Euro - USD to EUR.

This application also let you see the chart with the historical exchange charges between Euro and US Dollar. Rates variations from the last week and months might be displayed and the highest and lowest rates.

You also can customized the chart to have the ability to see the historical for the final month, trimester, semester or 12 months.

Internet is just required to get the last trade charges and see the chart.

A good utility if you need to travel in Europe or United States, for purchases and enterprise between these international locations or if you are working in monetary as a dealer for instance.

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