bookista - free arabic novels

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Here you can read thousands of stories, any genre you want: romance, martial arts, fantasy, horror, suspense, classic literature, science fiction and so on. Not only can you find complete books, but you can also find original stories under construction that are constantly updated by talented writers. At Bookista, there are dozens of new books every day, and every book is reviewed to ensure quality.

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In Bookista, you can not only read thousands of books in our library for free, but you can also choose an audio reading mode. You can read or listen to these chapters while online, or download these chapters to read or listen to them while offline. If you are already registered, please login first.

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Discuss your favorite books in the forum, share your thoughts on books you've read with other users, and comment on Your favorite classes. You can even leave comments in the paragraphs that have the greatest impact on you. You can leave your opinion to the author and get his response. Plus, if you're an author, you can join the authors' group, share ideas, help each other, and ask for writing advice. Sometimes creativity needs a little nudge!

While reading and writing, you can also have fun!

In addition to books in Bookista, you can also keep a cute pet. By completing daily tasks, you can help her grow day by day! Log into the library every day to get points, which can be exchanged for experience points for your pets and many other surprises. Reading shouldn't be boring!

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